François Truffaut once said that "Film lovers are sick people." He may have been on to something.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Shot/Reverse Shot: Episode 47 - 2014 Preview
2013 is more or less over and done with, give or take an overblown awards ceremony or two, so it's only right that we should turn our attention to what the New Year has to offer. As is traditional (in that we've done it three times now) Joe Gastineau and myself sit down and try to sort the wheat from the chaff, talking about what blockbusters we're excited for and which ones we're dreading, which smaller, artier and generally crazier films we've got our eyes on, and we round things off with a brief discussion of which new TV shows we're most interested in. We also find time to announce our attempt to come up with our own canon of under-discussed masterpieces which constitutes a big, year long project for us.
As always, you can stream the podcast using the link below, or preferably (from our point of view) you can subscribe using iTunes. If you choose the later, please rate it and leave a review because it helps us to get more listeners, and also gives us something to obsess over. Speaking of which, you can also Like us on Facebook, assuming that you do