François Truffaut once said that "Film lovers are sick people." He may have been on to something.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Shot/Reverse Shot: Episode 44 - TV vs. Film Debate
The question of whether film is better than television or vice versa has raged for decades, but seems to have been revitalised in recent years by the onset of the "Golden Age" of cable dramas, with both sides becoming increasingly louder and more entrenched in their insistence over which is superior. Joe Gastineau and I find the whole debate to be odd and unhelpful, but thought it would be an interesting jumping off point for a discussion of why it's silly to compare the two.
This is one of our shorter, leaner episodes in a while, but don't let that throw you off, there are still plenty of intellectual cul-de-sacs, flights of fancy and masturbation jokes.
As always, you can stream the podcast using the link below, or preferably (from our point of view) you can subscribe using iTunes. If you choose the later, please rate it and leave a review because it helps us to get more listeners, and also gives us something to obsess over. Speaking of which, you can also Like us on Facebook, assuming that you do.