Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Shot/Reverse Shot: Episode 28 - Michael BayWatch: Pain & Gain

For fear of messing with the established SRS formula ever so slightly, Joe and I have decided to expand a brief but popular feature from an earlier episode and turn it into its own strand within the main podcast. To that end, please enjoy the first episode of Michael BayWatch, in which we critique the work of tits and fireball auteur Michael Bay in the form of a Crimewatch-style public service announcement.

In this episode, I take a long hard look at Bay's latest film, Pain & Gain, followed by a long hard look at myself for agreeing to go and watch Pain & Gain. It's a deliberately short, sharp shock to the system, and depending on the response we'll do more of these as and when a film bearing Mr. Bay's name threatens our screens.

Be safe, and don't have nightmares.

As always, you can stream the podcast using the link above, or preferably (from our point of view) you can subscribe using iTunes. If you choose the later, please rate it and leave a review because it helps us to get more listeners, and also gives us something to obsess over. Speaking of which, you can also Like us on Facebook, assuming that you do.
