François Truffaut once said that "Film lovers are sick people." He may have been on to something.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Shot/Reverse Shot: Episode 27 - Family
On this week's episode, Joe and I take inspiration from Derby's iD Fest, a film festival which each year chooses a theme and curates its schedule based on whatever that overarching theme is. This year's festival is held from the 9th to the 12th of May at the Derby QUAD, and the theme is Family.
After discussing some of the great films being shown at iD Fest, we start to discuss films about dysfunctional families (of which there are many), films about more-or-less functional families (of which there are few) and detail how Andy Samberg screaming in a wood has its basis in Greek literature and Freud. We wrap the episode up with a list of our favourite on-screen families, which nicely encapsulates the trends we discuss in the episode; cannibalism, incest and murder.
As always, you can stream the podcast using the link below, or preferably (from our point of view) you can subscribe using iTunes. If you choose the later, please rate it and leave a review because it helps us to get more listeners, and also gives us something to obsess over. Speaking of which, you can also Like us on Facebook, assuming that you do.