François Truffaut once said that "Film lovers are sick people." He may have been on to something.
Monday, August 06, 2012
Shot/Reverse Shot: Episode 11 - Bonus Olympics Minisode
Following the (semi-) phenomenal (by our meagre standards) success of the Dark Knight Rises episode, Joe and I decided to do another bonus episode so that we can discuss some of the big news stories in a surprisingly packed week or so for film. To that end, we discuss the astonishing spectacle of the Olympics opening ceremony (as well as spread malicious falsehoods about Danny Boyle's directing career), discuss the newly-debuted trailers for Skyfall and Cloud Atlas, then round things off by talking about how increasingly unenthused we are about The Hobbit.
You can stream the episode below or subscribe to the podcast using iTunes. If you choose the latter, please listen, rate and review.
Cloud Atlas,
Danny Boyle,
James Bond,
Sam Mendes,
Shot Reverse Shot,