François Truffaut once said that "Film lovers are sick people." He may have been on to something.
Sunday, May 03, 2015
Shot/Reverse Shot: Episode 93 - Avengers: Age of Ultron
Now that Avengers: Age of Ultron has been unleashed upon the world and is destroying the box office like The Hulk in a built-up area, it seems like the perfect time to discuss what will likely become one of the biggest films of all time, and check in on the health of Marvel's mega-franchise. Matt and I discuss our feelings about the film, how it compares to the first film, and offer our live reaction to the unveiling of the first cast photo from Suicide Squad, an event which derails the entire last five minutes or so of the podcast.
Spoiler Warning: We discuss events in the Civil War comics which may (or may not) become part of the forthcoming Civil War film, so if you want to avoid them then please skip the discussion from 31:30 to 33:00.
age of ultron,
Joss Whedon,
Shot Reverse Shot