François Truffaut once said that "Film lovers are sick people." He may have been on to something.
Monday, September 29, 2014
Shot/Reverse Shot: Episode 67 - The Alternate 100 Part 7
Part 7 of the Alternate 100 is here and after a few weeks in which Joe and I discussed some pretty dark, bleak films, things remain pretty bleak, if I'm honest. But there's also discussion about Steve Martin, the absurdist tendencies of the Coen Brothers, and the criteria by which Michael Caine chooses his projects.
We're taking a break from the Alternate 100 for a few weeks in order to discuss some other subjects, and also to give us time to revisit some of the films that will be discussed in the last three installments. In the meantime, feel free to revisit the episodes we've recorded so far, or check out what we're done on Letterboxd.
As always, you can stream the podcast using the link below, or preferably (from our point of view) you can subscribe using iTunes. If you choose the later, please rate it and leave a review because it helps us to get more listeners, and also gives us something to obsess over. Speaking of which, you can also Like us on Facebook, assuming that you do.