François Truffaut once said that "Film lovers are sick people." He may have been on to something.
Thursday, February 07, 2013
Shot/Reverse Shot: Episode 21 - 2013 TV Preview
Following on from the last episode, in which Joe Gastineau and I looked at the year ahead in cinema, this episode finds us looking at what 2013 has to offer on the small screen. Along the way, we look at old favourites like Mad Men and Breaking Bad, contemplate the end of 30 Rock and what House of Cards might mean for the future of television, and air mild anticipation for the likes of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Under The Dome.
CORRECTIONS: In the episode I say that Lilyhammer was produced by Hulu when it was actually produced by Netflix, and the Richard Linklater travel series is called Up to Speed, not Catching Up. My bad.
As always, you can stream the podcast using the link below, or preferably (from our point of view) you can subscribe using iTunes. If you choose the later, please rate it and leave a review.